About Me

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I am a Christian. A wife. A Mommy. A daughter, granddaughter, sister, Aunt, and cousin. I love my God, my family, and my friends. I am a full time student majoring in Health Information. I was born an Okie, but am now a Texan. I love the OSU Cowboys and chocolate =) I have twins girls, Jaycee and Kenna, age 11, and my baby boy, Grant, 3 1/2.

Monday, March 29, 2010

barn door...

The girls came in today with their Spring school pictures. They are really good!! I thought, "wow, I don't even mind spending this OUTRAGEOUS price for them."

Now if you know me, you know I pay attention to detail. In some things. Like pictures.

This is Jaycee. I love this pic...new shirt, new Converse tennies, beautiful smile.....she is stylin'.

This is Kenna....also stylin. I love her pic also....cool necklace, zebra belt, headband,(not the shoes I preferred but you can't win 'em all).

THEN, I see it. Her zipper is open. WHAT!?!?!
Are you serious?!?!!? Oh yes, it may not be visible on the blog photo, but it will be in the 8x10 I'm going to display in my LIVING ROOM.

She wasn't as dramatic/over-reactive as I thought she could be. She actually laughed about it. She thinks I should send it in to Ellen's Bad Paid for Photos. LOL...I love that kid!!


Heather said...
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Heather said...

Oh, that girl! That is too funny! No one will probably notice it but you, and it will always bring a good laugh. I was looking for the barn door in the pictures, though ~ my blonde moment for the day :) The pictures are great! Miss you tons!