About Me

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I am a Christian. A wife. A Mommy. A daughter, granddaughter, sister, Aunt, and cousin. I love my God, my family, and my friends. I am a full time student majoring in Health Information. I was born an Okie, but am now a Texan. I love the OSU Cowboys and chocolate =) I have twins girls, Jaycee and Kenna, age 11, and my baby boy, Grant, 3 1/2.

Monday, November 29, 2010

few new pics

So we'll start at Halloween and work our way to the present :)
Grant had two costumes this year
This is Dr. Ferguson....he wore this one to the school carnival in town.
And this is Batman with his sidekicks, Disco girl and Glamour Witch. (I could have picked somewhere other than the GARAGE to take a memorable pic, huh?)
Jaycee and Kenna shot in their first archery tournament in November. They won 2nd and 1st places, respectively. Very proud! District is in two weeks....WOO HOOO!

HAPPY FALL YALL! ( yes Jaycee's arm is in a sling.....more on that later)

We were honored to be invited to our good friends, the Harkness' for Thanksgiving. They would here of us being "alone" with just the 5 of us. This is the awesome setting for our meal. We had REAL plates and REAL glasses and there was even wine on all the tables!! Very fancy for this small town girl! Yet very welcoming and relaxing! We even played softball in the rain afterwards...good times!

The girls and I at Thanksgiving....(pre-rainy-softball-game)
(and this photo somehow got flipped, so Jaycee's sling is on the "wrong" arm!!)
Enjoy your day....

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