One of our favorite family past times in fishing. The house we live in now has 2 ponds! We love it!
This is a picture of me, just to prove I was there :)

Jaycee and Kenna with a B-I-G one!!

Grant and his mighty fishin' dog...

Shawn was there too, but he must have been hiding from the pictures. He always teases me that everything we do is just a photo op. So when I take pictures, I have to be sneaky!! haha!
This is Grant at the doctor's office on Monday. He was running fever and had a headache.....we actually went in to check on a bump he got the previous night when he FELL OFF THE CAR. Yep, he's a climber.
btw, he's better :)

This one is from the Halloween party at a friends house. Kenna is a Glamour witch and Jaycee is a disco girl. Batman, Elvis and Dr. Sniffles were also in attendance.

Shawn's handmade, Flyin' Elvis suit circa 1996. Remodeled with some new LED lights. The previous lights were Christmas lights he re-wired INDIVIDUALLY to string up to battery packs he taped to his belt. He was a hit!!

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