About Me

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I am a Christian. A wife. A Mommy. A daughter, granddaughter, sister, Aunt, and cousin. I love my God, my family, and my friends. I am a full time student majoring in Health Information. I was born an Okie, but am now a Texan. I love the OSU Cowboys and chocolate =) I have twins girls, Jaycee and Kenna, age 11, and my baby boy, Grant, 3 1/2.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On my mind...

What's on my mind today??

I can't stop thinking about my best friend's new grandbaby. I picture his mother and all I see is that sweet, 5th grader with the dark reading glasses that used to come into the library and hug me everyday. That was the year I met that whole family. And now she's a mommy?? Wow.
The Daugherty's are my family now.
Now there is Kemper Paul Waldo, the newest addition and I can't wait to get up there to meet him.
And I'm thinking about homework. Man, do I ever have a lot to get done. But I'll get it. Probably late tonight, when it's quiet.
And Dark.

And I'm sleepy.

But I will get it done.

And I'm thinking about getting ready to head into town. Gotta run some errands, post office, church library, newspaper office....then Ferger burgers with Shawn and his office crew!! YESSS! I love it when it's someone's birthday! Happy Birthday, Lydia!

And I'm thinking about the new projects I have started. First are the t-shirt quilts I"m making for the girls. Made from t-shirts from Church camp, 4-H, years of FFA conventions when they were little, trips to special places, shirts people got them on THEIR special trips, "I'm a big sister" shirts, OSU shirts.....there are a LOT of shirts. I've been saving for a while... like 7 years. These might be B-I-G quilts. If you have any experience with making these particular quilts.....please, any advice is WELCOME :)

The other projects are the shirts with the stitched on fabric....do you know what I mean??

Here's a picture of one I finished this morning. I also made some for the girls...red shirts with CC on the front in the zebra print, for Columbus Cardinals.

I get in these crafty moods and just want to.....Produce something. You can't really see in the pic, but this shirt has orange stitching.

Also I have made a few binky holders. Ya know? Those nifty things that hold onto pacifiers when your kid is playing that I'll-throw-this-and-you-go-get-it game?? I made a couple for some friends from church. They are definitely easier to make for girls! You can really BLING those babies out!

These are the ones I made for Miss Ellie. I also have made one with beads....I saw those online, thought, I can do that. So I did.
(more pics to follow)
One other thing weighing the ole mind is our garage sale this weekend. Just kinda outta blue. Well, not really. I mean there's been that pile of stuff in the garage since we moved. It's cooler now, it's the first of the month this weekend...no better time than the present.
But dang, it's a lot of work!! HA!
And I promised my girls 10% each of all profits if they helped. So far, so good.
Better get busy on my day.....Yall come back, now, ya hear.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sept 26...

Happy Birthday, Papa!! Today my Papa would have been 72 yrs old.
This is not the best picture in the world! But it's the only one I have scanned on my computer right now. Notice the lines across the bottom....That is glass. The picture frame this photo was in got broken and the photo was somehow STUCK to the glass. UGH. So I did the best I could to preserve it by scanning it as is.
This picture was taken at my cousin's wedding about 13 years ago. Aren't they cute!?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blog Worthy??

Here are a few pics I found on my camera I though might be blog worthy.....
This is me FINALLY getting to wear my scrubs to go to "work" at the hospital. YAY! Can you call it work if you don't actually get paid?? Though I have worked my booty off as a SAHM for 11 years and that only pays in kisses and giggles.... =)

Caught this photo op driving down the road the other day. The sun was just peeking out of the clouds and it was so pretty....God is so good.

This is Grant and he BEST BUD Hailey. She is 4 and plays soccer so we go to cheer her on. Go RED TEAM!! They are attached at the hip a lot of the time and in this pic, it looks as if they actually are!! HA! Neither one can make it a full week without a play date. Honestly, her mom and I can't either! She's MY bud!! Love ya, Molly!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Here are a few more pictures from the County Fair....

The girls outside one of the "rides" they went on. It reminded me of that fun house on Grease. HA! (notice the fancy mud boots...it's wet here people!)

This one cracks me up! Farm boy Heaven!

Grant and I at the petting zoo. This calf wanted to come home with me. He told me :)

Grant wanted this one. He followed that thing around... I could have put him in my pocket. I love them lil suckers!
I wish I had pics of Grant watching the rodeo. He was mezmerized! Until the ropin and bull doggin'. He really wasn't into all that! But the buckin' horses and bulls...oh my.
Lord, save my boy.

Buckaroo Baby

This weekend is the Colorado County Fair. There's a lot to do, from the carnival, to arts and crafts, concerts, BBQ cook-off, Tractor-pull, and the RODEO.

I'm not sure how good this video is gonna show up on here, but this is our lil Buckaroo baby riding his first sheep. And folks, He's HOOKED.

After he gets off the sheep and gets back to the stands with his daddy, he looks at me and says, "now what are we gonna do Momma?" I said "well we're gonna watch the rest of the cowboys." "And then it will be my turn again?" He was lookin' for a re-ride, folks!

There were no tears but he did have some dirt where dirt shouldn't be! In his ears, in his boots, in his mouth, and I'm sure a few other places too!

Friday, September 3, 2010

it's time....

...to catch up on the blog!

We just got internet at the new house hooked up yesterday! FINALLY. I've been using my phone which just isn't the same.
We are loving our new house outside of Columbus. It's so quiet and peaceful (as peaceful as 3 kids and 2 dogs can be :D) The view out back is phenomenal.....worth the hassle of the move!

School has resumed and we are all settling into our routines. The girls are in the 5th grade now. For years, I couldn't wait until they got into Mrs. Griffin's reading class and Mrs. Matchett's class in Quanah.....kinda makes me sad they aren't getting to have the pleasure of these two amazing women. But they are enjoying school here just the same. They are the oldest on campus now, so they get a few more privileges now. They are gearing up for lots of activities in GT, signed up for shoir again, enrolled in 2 4-H clubs this year (there regular club and the shooting sports club), they start choir practice at church every Monday in a couple weeks along with a Bible Drill Club. Awanas also starts soon, as does the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace course SHawn and I will be taking. I'm so ready for that one!!

Grant is adjusting to his time at daycare. He stays with a friend from church that has a little boy Grants age. She keeps a few kids at home and Grant just thinks it's a play day! He only goes about 2-3 days a week, when I'm in Houston for class and while I'm at the hospital doing my clinicals (which I start next week! :D)

It's looking like I could be done with school by next Fall for sure. It's about time. gah.

It's been raining everyday here, but it's so hot and humid.....I can't wait for cooler weather. It's pitiful for the windows in the house to be fogged over from the cold inside and the humidity outside!

I guess that's all for now...need to upload pics another time.